Deleting Solr Index in Global Search
I implemented the functionality of allowing the admin
to delete solr index recently. The code can be seen here.
Solr provides a simple way of deleting indexing using SolrClient::deleteByQuery
. I have provided two types of deleting index:
Deleting the complete index in one-go.
Deleteing index modularily. (For example, deleting index for records belonging to
modules only)
The idea was to make the admin
select the delete option: All
or let the admin
choose the modules. I made these options available to the admin
through Moodle Quick Forms. Here is a code snippet:
class search_admin_form extends moodleform {
function definition() {
$mform = & $this->_form;
$modcheckboxarray = array();
$modcheckboxarray[] =& $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'all', '', 'All Modules', array('group' => 1));
$modcheckboxarray[] =& $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'book', '', 'Book', array('group' => 2));
$modcheckboxarray[] =& $mform->createElement('advcheckbox', 'page', '', 'Page', array('group' => 2));
$mform->addGroup($modcheckboxarray, 'modadvcheckbox', '', array(' '), false);
$mform = new search_admin_form();
if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
//do stuff here
//and call search_delete_index() function
If the admin
chooses checkbox: all
the $client->deleteByQuery('*:*')
is executed, deleting the entire solr index.
If, on the other hand the admin
chooses only some modules to delete their index, the name of the modules are concatenated together separated by a string, stored as a stdClass $data->module
and passed as a parameter into the search_delete_index
function, thus executing $client->deleteByQuery('modules:' .$data)
That for the first part: deletion.
After deletion, I need to handle the the config settings, so that the admin
is able to re-index. This is done by re-setting the values in the config_plugin
table. This is done through the below simple code:
foreach ($mods as $key => $name) {
set_config($name . '_indexingstart', 0, 'search');
set_config($name . '_indexingend', 0, 'search');
set_config($name . '_lastindexrun', 0, 'search');
set_config($name . '_docsignored', 0, 'search');
set_config($name . '_docsprocessed', 0, 'search');
set_config($name . '_recordsprocessed', 0, 'search');
Here, $mods
will be a simple array containing the names of all modules or only those modules whose index was selected for deletion.